Fifth Wheel Press

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

we only accept work from queer, trans, and gender-nonconforming artists and writers. submissions that do not explicitly identify themselves as being from within these communities will be declined unread. we will never share any information about you without your explicit permission, but we need to know that we're reviewing submissions from within our represented groups.

submissions that are not formatted correctly or contain any racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or otherwise intolerant content will not be considered. writing that is based on lived experiences involving these topics is ok provided it does not glorify that kind of behavior.

please read the specific submission page for formatting guidelines, etc.

please only send submissions via submittable unless you have been specifically given instructions to do otherwise. email and dm submissions will not be considered.

for written work, we offer a handful of optional add-ons related to feedback and expedited response times. due to the volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on submissions unless it has been selected and paid for at the time of submission.

anthology and blog submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis during open periods, with average response time between 2-4 weeks. chapbook and all photography submissions will be reviewed at the end of the submission period, with average response time within 2 weeks.

submissions that are not formatted correctly or contain any racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or otherwise bigoted content will not be considered. we don’t tolerate right-wing bullshit, or anything resembling it. writing or artwork that is based on lived experiences from a marginalized perspective is ok provided it does not glorify bigoted behavior.

content warnings for submissions containing sensitive content (non-exhaustive list: physical or sexual violence, abuse, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, alcohol and drug use, mental health, self harm, suicide, death) are required for all submissions. when in doubt, err on the side of caution. if you do not understand the necessity for content warnings, we are not the right home for your work. any work without an adequate content warning will be automatically rejected, and submitters who regularly disrespect this policy may be banned indefinitely from submitting.

repeated violations of submission guidelines will result in a permanent ban from submitting. boundaries are important.

we pay all contributors in the form of either royalties (for published editions) or contributor stipends (for anthologies, zines, and blog pitches). blog features and interviews conducted by the press offer free submissions but are unpaid.

all editorial decisions are final, and not up for debate.